10 Positive Affirmations for Fighting Anxiety

Suffering from anxiety?

You’re not alone. In fact, 40 million adults in the U.S. struggle with anxiety disorders. That’s more than 18% of the population.

Incorporating positive affirmations into my daily routine is a powerful mindfulness practice that has helped me manage my anxiety and curtail negative thought patterns from taking over my day.

By feeding our minds with empowering self-affirmations, we decrease stress levels and build our sense of resiliency by helping us to not dwell on—and thus allow ourselves to be defined by—negative experiences.

Here are 10 positive affirmations to help you fight anxiety.

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3 Simple Mindfulness Exercises to Fight Stress

Stress: there’s no escaping it.

Life, with all its uncertainties, is filled to the brim with potential stress triggers. Especially this year, when just about everything we’ve grounded ourselves in seems to be shifting on a near-daily basis.

However, just because we encounter stressful situations doesn’t mean that stress has to consume us.

Here are 3 different simple mindfulness practices to fight stress in your daily life.

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How to Apply the Proven Health Benefits of Journaling to Your Own Life

Journaling is so much more than chronicling the details of your days. Journaling is a powerful mindfulness practice that offers proven health benefits.

A 1986 study on the benefits of expressive writing concluded that “writing about earlier traumatic experience was associated with both short-term increases in physiological arousal and long-term decreases in health problems.”

Since that initial study, many more have been completed, examining the role of expressive writing—i.e. journaling—to influence both our physical and psychological health.

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