How to Apply the Proven Health Benefits of Journaling to Your Own Life


Each morning, as the house is still quiet, I steal away to my office to journal. I take time to reflect on the day before, noting the good things that happened. I then look to the day ahead: what do I want to accomplish? How do I want to improve myself today?

This daily journaling practice has been an integral component to my mental wellness journey.

Journaling is so much more than chronicling the details of your days. Journaling is a powerful mindfulness practice that offers proven health benefits. 

A 1986 study on the benefits of expressive writing concluded that “writing about earlier traumatic experience was associated with both short-term increases in physiological arousal and long-term decreases in health problems.”

Since that initial study, many more have been completed, examining the role of expressive writing—i.e. journaling—to influence both our physical and psychological health. 

These studies have found physical health benefits that may surprise you, like improvements in lung function for sufferers of asthma, reduced pain in cancer patients, improved immune system functioning, reduced hospital stays for cystic fibrosis patients, and more.

Additionally, scholars theorize that facing emotions you’ve been avoiding through expressive writing may play a part in reducing the stress that comes along with suppressing our feelings.

The best part? Journaling is a simple, inexpensive (you just need pen and paper) mindfulness practice that you can implement in your life—starting today.


There are 3 types of mindfulness journaling styles. 

1. Journaling to Record Challenge Breakthroughs 

Recording moments of success in overcoming daily obstacles—no matter how large or small—is a powerful tool in building our resiliency and helping us face future challenges. When we write these breakthrough moments down, we’re able to recall what actions we used previously to bounce back from difficulty. 

For instance, you may find yourself facing a major presentation at work that’s triggering anxious thoughts of self-doubt. Our memories, while impressive, are imperfect. In moments like this, it’s helpful to be able to read through your previous career successes as a reminder that you are fully capable of facing the challenge at hand.

So the next time you’ve successfully overcome a challenge, pull out your pen and paper and offer yourself an internal high-five through writing it down. Your future self will thank you. 

2. Journaling to Find Your Contribution

Robert Frost isn’t the only one who has faced two roads diverging in a yellow wood—many of us have had to make difficult choices when it comes to finding fulfillment in our lives. It doesn’t help that this world is loud; we’re often influenced by external voices, which can drown out our own inward compass. This can lead us to living a life adhering to the expectations of others, rather than allowing our own inner voice to guide our decisions.

When we find ourselves unsure of how to proceed, journaling can be a powerful tool in helping us find our contribution.

For this type of journaling, spend a few minutes each day, preferably in the morning, writing down any thoughts that come to your mind. The important thing is to refrain from self-editing. The focus is to cut through the clutter of outside voices and distractions to reconnect with your own inner needs and desires.

When you devote yourself to this stream of consciousness journaling, you may find thoughts that surprise you, embarrass you, scare you, or enlighten you. Allow yourself to feel your feelings and trust the process by remaining consistent to your daily journaling rhythm. As you reconnect with your own inner voice, you’ll be able to make decisions that reflect your personal values and, ultimately, allow you to live to your fullest potential. 

3. Journaling to Shift Your Attitude 

While we’re quick to blame external circumstances as the obstacle to fulfilling our goals, often, it’s our own attitudes that keep us from reaching our full potential. 

Gratitude can shift your attitude. Sure, this guidance may seem a little too simple, but countless studies have proven that gratitude can increase happiness, strengthen interpersonal relationships, and decrease stress levels.

This isn’t about ignoring the disappointments, hardships, and griefs of life. No, gratitude journaling is about acknowledging the good things you encounter in your day, even if it’s as simple as your daylilies finally blooming. 

It may feel frustrating and inauthentic to spend time creating a list of good things when you may find yourself in a sour mood, but consistency is key. Mindset shifts are a process. Over time, your sincerity within the practice will improve, and you’ll notice yourself becoming more naturally aware of the daily beauty that surrounds you.

This type of attitude shift helps our minds to break away from the self-imposed tethers that can hold us back from achievement and success.

Try incorporating a few minutes of gratitude journaling at the end of each day.


Follow these 5 guidelines as you begin incorporating mindfulness journaling into your day:

1. Write candidly and openly. Journaling is just for you and not intended to be shared with anyone else.

2. Find a quiet, private space to journal. I recommend you go analog with a notebook and pen to avoid digital distractions.

3. Reflect without judgment. Do not shame yourself for any thoughts & feelings that you identify as you are writing.

4. Refrain from self-editing. Journaling is stream of consciousness writing.

5. When you’re finished writing, allow yourself a few minutes to reflect on the thoughts and feelings you’ve uncovered through the session.

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Get started journaling today…

With my free guide.

Master Your Mindset: 5 Journal Prompts to Battle Stress & Embrace the Present Moment

With this free guide, you will:

  • Learn how to implement mindfulness journaling practices into your daily life—starting today

  • Harness the scientifically-proven power of gratitude to battle stress and anxiety

If you’re ready to apply the proven health benefits of journaling to your own life, this guide is for you!